Sedimentary Petrography Lab
The Sedimentary Petrography Lab contains CITL Cathodoluminescence Microscopy system with an EDX spectroscopy system (below), two research-grade petrographic microscopes with digital cameras, and a Nikon microscope with thin section slide scanning system (right).
Sedimentary Geochemistry Lab
The Sedimentary Geochemistry Lab is set up for preparation and geochemical analysis of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Among the available instrumentation is a CM150 Coulometer for analysis of TIC and TOC (right), a Bruker Tracer 5i handheld XRF for elemental analysis (below left), and a microscope mounted microsampling system (below right).
Unmanned Aircraft System
A Phantom 4 Pro Drone allows integration of aerial imagery, photogrammetry, and video into field work. The UAS is registered with the FAA and Dr. Frank is certified as a Remote Pilot with the FAA.